Interview with @mbauwens
What will the "post capitalist" world look like? How will we value, exchange and govern resources?
What's the intersection between individual sovereignty, liberty, initiative and community, solidarity, identity? What are tools the realise potential of individuals in community and community of communities? / @CitySpheres
Where conventional markets and political systems fail, distributive, grassroots, community action can fill the gap.
What's the (right) relationship between (different types of) markets and (different types of) commons?
Commons primary means of allocating resources, from the hunter / gathering period. Activity done for the group. What are the rules to distribute? / @mbauwens
Commoning is pooling a resource together. Gift economy, is gifting with a specific expectation as a return. / @mbauwens
With dominator societies, based on conquest, distribution rules start to apply, to legitimise the force used. / @mbauwens
Before capitalism the commons were an integral part of society. With capitalism commons started to get enclosed and privatised. / @mbauwens
We've lost our understanding of commons. We think something is either private or public. / @mbauwens
With the rise of cities and with more and more people without property the social commons emerges: fraternities, unions, mutualities, mechanisms to smooth out the risks of life. / @mbauwens
Social commons were then "statified" into the welfare state. / @mbauwens
With digital networks we discover we can share knowledge. The emergence of commons is first of all in the open source communities and after 2008 gets physical again in the urban commons / @mbauwens @CitySpheres
Food and energy are areas that lead the way. Were consumers group together with suppliers.
A lot of people don't necessarily realise they are already commoning. We need to raise awareness, once you feel like a commoner, your identity becomes different.
When we talk about markets and capital we need to understand it's not just financial. There's human capital and natural capital as well.
The guilds were a social commons, coming from the countryside they reestablished markets in the city that worked for them. Market rules nested within the commons (ethical rules). / @mbauwens @gregory_landua
We are moving from a commodity based to a contribution based economy #valueinthecommons @mbauwens Not all contributions have easy interface to market. Non-market contributions do enhance the value of network.
Dual currency models, with a "male" cold currency that's vested in extractive activity and warm "female" currency that rewards regenerative work. How to you organise the accounting / rewards system within the community's "membrane".
Drama of capitalism is there's only one way of making money: extraction. Part of it trickles down, if you're lucky to fund regenerative activities. A farmer that improves soil is not well funded, and a farmer that destroys the soil gets subsidies. 🤔
#circularfinance Start calculating neg/pos externalities and make agreements to make it flow back to people who contribute to it's realisation / @mbauwens @gregory_landua
There needs to be tools for localised groups to do internal (carbon)accounting (for better decisions on how to provision goods/service and feed that up into the next nested system and so on. A global/local system that can reconcile itself. / @gregory_landua
Challenge: how to verify at all levels. #blockchain
The procession of the commons. Extractive periods (impoverishing, leading to crisis) are followed by regenerative reactions (reconnect to nature and each other). / @mbauwens
Everybody should be mobilised. The state doesn't need to tell us. We have to decarbonise while preserving freedom of initiative and innovation. Otherwise we get ecofascisme with rationing. / @mbauwens
The best of the commons is free mutual association. People gathering around common goals and shared resources. With the right accounting, we can see what everyone is doing and freely adapt behaviour to needs of system / @mbauwens
#blockchain is the internet of transactions (or value) on top of the internet of communications / @mbauwens @gregory_landua
Best of the markets is the regenerative market ( #circulareconomy) that works for natural and human commons. Best of the state, the common good institution that looks at the whole is planning, using frameworks for human behaviour that does not allow us to destroy our ecosystem.
#doughnuteconomics of @KateRaworth is great visual of having an upper and lower limit where we need to stay between. / @gregory_landua
Planetary boundary perceived as negative, reporting 3.0 looks at resources in pragmatic and positive way. [and #doughnuteconomics doesn't?] Human's aim should be to grow the planetary threshold [make doughnut thicker] / @mbauwens @gregory_landua
By actively repairing the carbon cycle and repairing bio diversity and optimising the use of the industrial basis that we have the (doughnut) cycles can become smaller and fragile or lager and robust. / @gregory_landua @KateRaworth
Is de-growth a puritan, negative, shrinking reaction to life? @mbauwens De-growth can regenerate cultural capital, but is misguided because humans need to grow something (garden the earth). The invitation is to grow the thresholds that all of life has available. @gregory_landua
Intermezzo #metamodernism
(Metamodern) commoners: Hipsters, Hippies and Hackers uniting and taking responsibility in a politics of process (instead of position) and being empathic around the need for phycological development of humans / @gregory_landua
Do we have to color rank (teal vs green) or can we create (in the P2P vision) a universal transparent system where everybody can find his place (of strength). No one is better than the other. Everyone makes a necessary contribution to the health of the whole / @mbauwens
Know your passion, develop your skills and apply both to a (collaborative) project. How to solve for a lack of required skill? This is the role for public institutions as a commons of the commons. / @mbauwens
Every commons does not take into account common good of everyone, but looks at its own social object (linux, the environment, etc). The role of the public sphere is to make it fair so that everybody has capability and conditions to choose the commons of their choice. / @mbauwens
Historical territorial logic (place with ecology and nation state system & multilateral international institutions) now next to virtual territorial logic (organised around social objects in a trans-local way, not linked to nation state), learn globally apply locally / @mbauwens
We need to find bridges between these to logics / worlds. Panarchy will not work in a territorial world. We are bound to territory and need (to keep) democratic, human rights based systems and improve on international system of collaboration. / @mbauwens
We see etno/nationalist movements but also (with less press attention) the need to build new global institutions with subsidiarity to local, commoning, enterprise interests. We can't collapse into the walled nations states that take care of their own / @gregory_landua
What's being demanded is to - in different levels and ways - engage in commoning, as the invitation to how to create the new world. / @gregory_landua
In stock and flow terms; the political world thinks in terms of stocks to protect (my industry etc.). You could also have the vision of the more knowledge flows from the global to the local sphere, the better for us. Could we translate this into progressive politics? / @mbauwens
We do have to retreat from globalisation that is unsustainable, spending 3 x as much on transport than on making products. But we don't want to become isolated. We have to deal with global problems together / @mbauwens
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