'you arent oppressed for being a man' they say to a trans man. who faces violent and even deadly transphobia for being men instead of cis women.
sorry yall but i am, actually, in fact, oppressed for being a man! since i wasn't labelled one at birth! but still am regardless! that is Not Allowed and I Will Be Punished For The Rest Of My Life For This
'but we arent oppressed for being men, we're oppressed for being trans' my my. i wonder whatever made me trans. hm. what about me. and my identity. makes me trans. i wonder. gee that sure is a mystery. what makes me not a cis woman and in fact, trans. i wonder. wow. hmmmm.
kill the terf in your head that tells you gendered oppression is as simple as men bad women good. kill the terf in your head that tells you gendered oppression is as simple as men dont face hardships, only women do in a gendered way.

kill. that. terf. in. your. head. now.
id now talk about how all gay men are oppressed for being men too but yall arent ready for that one yet
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