consent should be a big part of sex ed in high school. you can’t rely on people’s parents to teach them about this stuff and when it’s SUCH an important thing I don’t understand why it’s not really taught from a younger age
just general respect for women is a very important thing that most men don’t seem to have ever been taught about coz in my experience growing up I’ve been harrassed n sexualised all over the place and I’m sure most other girls have too. why is that a thing we have to go through?
when I was FOURTEEN (and I’ve never looked older than I am) I was at the lake with my family for a swim, and as I was walking from the car to the beach in my bikini a car full of 20 year olds beeped me and wolf whistled me all stickin their hands out the window n stuff. I was 14
Now obviously that’s deffo not the strongest form of harassment or anything but think about the kind of effect that’s gonna have on a 14 year old girl. being sexualised by a bunch of grown men when u haven’t even chosen ur GCSE options yet
and I don’t think I know a girl that didn’t have an experience similar to this from a young age. little things happen all the time. I’ve been grabbed by the wrist, had my boobs squeezed by strangers in clubs, had many innapropriate things shouted at me
n that’s not the worst of it. yet it’s normalised. “Boys just do that.” I’ve been told to “take it as a compliment” but quite frankly it terrifies me n it’s not ok coz never in my life would i think of doing or saying any of those things to a man. so why can a man say them to me?
and you cannot tell me it’s my fault for dressing “provocatively” because this shit has happened since I was a 14 year old. it’s not about what I fucking wear and it shouldn’t be. I shouldn’t have to cover up because I don’t want to be assaulted. that’s fucked.
I honestly think I’d be living my life a lot less anxiously if it weren’t for some of the things that happened to me when I was younger. and that makes me so mad because I feel like these things could’ve and should’ve been prevented
unfortunately, we clearly cannot rely on the common sense of men to not sexualise, harass or assualt women. so when are we going to properly teach boys about these things and why they shouldn’t be doing them??? rather than getting everyone to put a condom on a plastic cock
this thread has gone on for way too long I apologise but I know that sadly most girls will be able to relate n that’s the issue really. let’s stop normalising casual sexualisation n harrassment of women. it’s not fucking ok n never has been.
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