Lessons from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jun/26/leading-scientist-criticises-uk-over-its-climate-record
*a knowledge campaign geared towards poorer 60% in democracies gets majority for changeđź––
*CO2 pricing doesn't lead to quick --CO2. The rich will just pay it bc they can. The poor will bc they have to; they'll cut back on other things first🤷‍♀️ https://twitter.com/anlomedad/status/1277183994254237697
In our high-risk-project in 2020, w/ only 222Gt CO2 left for what IPCC calls "1.5C", reduction amount &speed must be predictable, not based on "thoughts &prayers" or voluntary action &nudging.

Going forward, price-thinking perpetuates the delusion of having 3 earths to exploit.
Price-thinking is based on assuming CO2(eq) r a luxury item like a yacht or caviar.
But it's not. The amount essential for a relatively good life for all 7.5bn people -in our reduction phase now as well as after migrating to RE- leaves nothing for selling CO2 rights to richer ppl
CO2e isn't a commodity that can be traded w/, nor can the amount needed for basic! human life be further cut to allow others more CO2e. There simply is no surplus.

A decision where CO2e can be emitted therefore can't be left to those who can afford it.
Common good must decide.
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