We promised our friends from @MazanderCast we would translate our thread about our #ships inside the Shāh-nāmeh, the "Book of Kings" 💕

Many of these couples are not canonical, we'll let you know. Grab a snack and enjoy, it's shipping time!
1⃣ Zāl ♂️ and Rudābeh ♀️ - CANON
Max OTP, now and forever. The son of Sīmurgh and the granddaughter of the demon king Zahhāk. Just yes, a million times yes. These two are the embodiment of true love and the greatest relationship in the poem. Period.

🖼️ Hamid Rahmanian, 2014
2⃣ Siyāvash ♂️ and Rostam ♂️ - NO CANON
Rostam is the tutor of Siyāvash and he teaches him absolutely everything. Plus, he's a fundamental figure in the prince's personal development. They have very cute episodes together, so it's a YES.

🖼️ 16th cent, Shāh Tahmāsp SN
3⃣ Gordāfarīd ♀️ and Sohrāb ♂️ - CANON
Just sit and let us explain to you that Gordāfarīd dresses as a man and beats the living crap out of Sohrāb before falling in love mutually. She's amazing. He's a cutie. We ship it!

🖼️ 16th cent.
4⃣ Bijhan ♂️ and Manījeh ♀️ - CANON
This love story is a fantastic mess. Bijhan falls in love with Manījeh who is the princess of the enemy's nation. Opposite to what you're thinking, there's a happy ending. But this two screw up greatly, that's true!

🖼️ 15th cent
5⃣ Zahhāk ♂️ and Fereīdun ♂️ - NO CANON
Once you see this one, you cannot unsee it. Just yes. Enemies to lovers. This never happened in the poem but we couldn't care less. The demon king and the young prince who overcomes him. IT'S THE ULTIMATE YES.

🖼️ raamtin, via DeviantArt
6⃣ Āzādeh ♀️ and Bahrām Gur ♂️ - CANON
This is an icon for Iranian Art History. Āzādeh is a slave that gains the love of a king. Please, they had to be on this list.

🖼️ 4th-5th cent, via @metmuseum
7⃣ Katāyoun ♀️ and Goshtāsb ♂️ - CANON
As if it was not enough that Katāyoun marries because she says so, Goshtāsb goes through hell and high water after for her wife to recover her legitimate place in the throne. This is a couple: be there for each other!

🖼️ 1616-1618
8⃣ Kay Kāvus ♂️ and Rostam ♂️ - NO CANON
We're willing to take all the bullets you may shoot at us. We just don't care. There's chemistry between these two, you can't deny it! King of Kings and Hero of Heroes. Please, it has to happen.

🖼️ 1450-1500, Delhi
And last but definitively not least...

9⃣ Eskandar ♂️ and Darayavush III ♂️ - NO CANON
Yes. We said it. We'll show ourselves out.

🖼️ 1575-1590, via @harvartmuseums
And this is all from us today! What do you think about these couples? Do you ship it? Or do you rip it?

Let us know who your favourite characters from the Book of Kings are!

You can follow @PlumasDeSimurgh.
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