I really just wanna say how much I hate the you either 100% hated something or you loved everything attitude that the internet has with shit like as much as I hate last of us 2 it had its moments and it looks really nice it’s not 0/10 but it’s definitely not even 7/10
Like I dislike a lot of things but that shouldn’t mean that someone else can’t like it or that everything has to be bad. Now if someone’s reasons are literally just incorrect or just to be on the opposite side of popular opinion then it’s ok to fuck with them a little not to much
But like really people are attacking dunkey again for just saying his opinion. People can like something you don’t. Same shit happened with his final fantasy remake review and I somewhat agreed and I think it’s gonna become a cash grab like they turned the rest of the series into
At the end of the day I don’t agree with dunkey but going after him is stupid and it’s actually upsetting that people like can’t just allow someone to disagree it happens way to often with everything it’s just last of us 2 is the most recent time I can think of it just stop it
Also if this thread doesn’t read that well it’s probably because I’m rambling about things that upset me at 3 am for me goodnight
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