If you genuinely believe that the downfall of creative is on clipbots then you’re wrong. The downfall of creative is because of the fast editing playstyle; clipbotting has been a thing in the game as long as the creative scene has been.
My proof for this is that clipbots were a thing when creative was actually good, and that clipbotting accelerated at the exact same time as a new playstyle appeared, the fast editing one. Standards are high now...etc and require clipbots because of the PLAYSTYLE.
Whether you like it or not, that’s literally the reason. I’ve been clipbotting way before the editing playstyle arrived, and I saw the boom of clipbots arrive after such a weird and difficult playstyle arrived.
Another reason why clipbotting became so popular is because people saw creative as a way to blow up instead of having fun. If you make 5 creative algorithm utilizing videos a week for 3 months and you’re not horrible, you’re very likely to be very far from where you were before
Clipbotting works like this: Takes 30min-2hrs to get a montage of quality clips. YT Algorithm unfortunately loves quantity over quality, so clipbotting is the golden key to succeeding with creative montages on YT, and is why so many people have blown up and will blow up.
I change my statement: The downfall of creative is because of ppl being lazy and trying to find easier ways to blow up and blow up FASTER as well as the fast editing playstyle which accelerated the usage of clipbots which because of clipbots raised standards.
But just know that I’m not saying that clipbotting isn’t part of the reason why creative fell off. The fast editing playstyle and some people only got to where they are now with the support of clipbots, but the acceleration of clipbotting to where it is now is because of that.
Even in playground when me and my friends would 1v1 they’d ask me to not shoot whenever they did something cool so they could clip it. Creative scene didn’t exist. The idea of falsely creating content has and will always be a thing, it’s all over youtube if you look closely.
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