Okay, bitch
Blaming racist shit on your childhood trauma is the oldest trick in the book. It might explain mistakes made in said childhood, but that doesn't work with things you do as an (arguably successful) adult.
A thread: https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1276671216133107712
First, let's assume he's being honest:
If that's the case, he is saying he has not made any moves to improve that shitty sense of humor in all the years between then and now. That makes him look WORSE, not better. And we are to believe he'll suddenly change for the better now?
And mentioning the trauma now, rather than in any video before, tells me that this mention of trauma is meant, rather than a mark of introspection and growth, to shield him from the (admittedly difficult) task of having to examine his behavior and work towards being better.
This reeks of using trauma to justify being a shitheel and not having to change because he's "already been punished preemptively" by bad parenting. This feels like just a tactic to evade repercussions.
Which brings me to possibility number two:
Let's assume he made up the trauma:
Playing this off like he was the real victim of a bad childhood to garner sympathy is enough to appease the people who were already fans of his who might have been on the fence. Everyone else has made up their minds, so it's just damage control
To keep as much of his audience as possible. All he has to do is spend a month or two making squeaky clean videos that nobody can object to, let this nonsense fade away, and he can go back to being the same guy he always was, no growth or change required, and no effort wasted
On folks who weren't going to follow him (and thus make him money), anyway. More importantly, no money/advertisers lost, or at least as few as possible.
A cynical view, of course, but hey, it's just good business sense. Trauma = sympathy = fewer consequences = less financial loss
Fuck Twitter, it didn't post the last third of this thread. Let me see if I can remember
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