Proof that Pat Lasaten is actually Mulan pretending to be Ben and Ben's keyboardist—a conspiracy thread:
initial proof by user patnesss_
1. The "AAAHHH" or the Singing face.
📍Try to tell me they're facial expressions aren't identical. That's right. You can't.
📍User patlasaten is fooling us into thinking she can't sing properly but don't be fooled, it's probably one of her tricks.
2. THAT smile
📍Patricia's look may make you fall in love with her instantly, but don't be deceived!
📍Look at their eyes and lips. It says it all. They even have the same good sides and angles!
3. The "Pavoid po"/Disgusted Face
📍This one's just too accurate, if you look at this and think that they're two different creatures, you're LYING.
4. The Nayayamot Face
📍First of all, who allowed her to be this cute? Anyways back to the conspiracy
📍This is just one of the many times they make the same faces. If this isn't enough proof for you, stay tuned for more proof in this thread.
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