Yet in 1983 his star shone so brightly a poseur styling himself "the Commander Zero of the Philippines" dated an American heiress on the West Coast (wearing a hat with an actual feather like Robin Hood) largely on the strength of stolen radical chic.
People may not remember him now but Carlos the Jackal was quite the international celebrity.
Abimael Guzman is from the same universe. This physically hideous man directed his revolutionary killings from the house of a beautiful upper class dance teacher.
They even made a movie of Guzman's capture starring Javier Bardem called the Dancer Upstairs.
When Hollywood did a movie on Che they got Benicio del Toro to play him.
Radical chic is a powerful thing among cultural elite circles even though they don't even know the cause, never heard of the country. They don't even care enough to know the real Commander Zero didn't wear a feather, like Robin Hood.
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