Why using "ethnic hip" as a drag against a Korean is hidden xenophobia: a thread.
The translation of "eseunik hip", the actual romanisation of the word, to "ethnic hip" is called naturalisation. It's when you change the original morphological structure of the word from the source language to fit the ideals of the target language.
In other words, to make it look more "English" the subtitle writers used "ethnic" as it is the closest spelling in English.

However, as we know, the word ethnic has bad connotations behind it. And native English speakers could take the word in a bad way.
In Korean, the phrase "eseunik hip" has the same semantics or meaning as the words "exotic" or "unique". The phrase is not tied to any race, ethnicity, or culture. It is literally just a fashion style.
Using this phrase as a drag against a Korean, particularly Soyeon, is xenophobia, because you are inserting YOUR western values onto a native speaker of the Korean language, based on a FAULTY translation.
You are implying that your understanding of the word is the correct contextual meaning when in reality, it's not.

An example: In Malay, the word "babi" means pig, but in Albanian, it means "dad"

Once, Dua Lipa wished her dad on his birthday and called him "babi"
A lot of M'sian locals made fun of her, for oh-so calling her dad a pig.

She took down the post, and after facing backlash, the M'sian morons who said that she called her dad "pig" apologised. (Yes I can call you guys morons because I'm a Malay I can call y'all whatever I want)
Using ethnic hip as a drag is to insinuate that S*yeon used the phrase incorrectly, it implies that she is stupid; even though the phrase is extremely common in SK, and it's not coined by her on the spot.
Don't expect her to "educate herself" when you don't have the simple grasp of language barriers and the term "lost in translation". ALWAYS ask for second opinions from NATIVE SPEAKERS if you're reading, hearing, listening to words from a language that you DO NOT speak.
DON'T insert YOUR values onto SOMEONE ELSE'S language. It is invasive, rude, and disrespectful. There are a lot of problems in the world, let's not let cultural DIFFERENCES become one.
Your understanding of the word "ethnic" is not incorrect, if used in a DIFFERENT context. In this context, it DOES NOT make sense. At. All. So stop insisting your understanding is correct, and use that against Soy*on, because I can assure you, you look fucking stupid.
I feel sorry for K-Nevies, especially the ones who are in touch with i-Nevies and the international fanbase, the ones who can speak and communicate in English. Because they expressed their frustrations about this so many times, but you guys completely ignore them.
And I know y'all are kpop stans, and your faves are mostly Korean. So what's the point in you being xenophobic towards Koreans and their culture, when you're stanning their people too?
Hi this caught some attention you may bookmark this for the future, and please stream Oh my god to 100 million and collect hearts and vote for their Soribada award in the Choaedol app
Some of y'all think I'm lying? Naturalisation is a form of literal translation technique.

It's a technique that is proposed by Peter Newmark, a translation expert.
I literally study this shit. It's literally a requirement for me.

Here's a few accounts from KOREAN Nevies, if y'all still don't believe me.
You can follow @shuwithluv.
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