As I am required to comment on all discourse by my broken brain... how does the shredded cheese...make a difference in whether she can eat the fajitas? Will she have a violent allergic reaction to bell peppers if she doesn't immediately stuff lactose down her throat?
Hey, HEY, don't be judgemental, I can make fun of allergic reactions because I don't care if she has one.
I'm just stuck on "it's the only way she can eat them." Is this a Cabin in the Woods scenario.
Will the old gods rise if she eats grilled vegetables sans pepper jack?? Was her FATHER a cheeseless fajita? Did her entire family die in a fajita related accident in which cheese could have protected them this how you turn into a werewolf??? Is she an alien like superman, but instead of kryptonite weakening her, the lack of cheese does??
Did she take one Spanish class in high school, misinterpret a crucial lesson on foods, and now thinks she's being culturally appropriate by ONLY eating fajitas with shredded cheese. And if so how many sorority sisters did she convince of this. Do we have a whole new epidemic.
This isn't what EMDR does, right?? I did it but it just made me less afraid of snakes.
Can this be my packet for late night shows because I don't see myself ever stopping the fajita jokes.
....were they carne asada fajitas and does she think this is what people mean by "use every part of the cow"
...because those were different cows. And if she went out and bought leather boots afterwards we're now down three cows.
In conclusion I don't generally try to use my twitter to be a mean person, but I've decided to make an exception for those mad about slow service from minimum wage workers during a pandemic where their lives are stake because the government has abandoned them to work or die.
But for her safety, if she could see the internet response to her sad situation, I hope she has some shredded cheese handy, just in case it's also the only way she can eat her privilege.
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