If you’re gonna do a video explainer about how wearing masks doesn’t actually rob you of oxygen I beg you to take a Mr Rogers approach rather than snarkin’ it up
I get it, it’s common sense, I’m angry about it too, but telling people they’re stupid for not wearing them, while tempting, is not going to get anyone to do the right thing
The whole reason we’re at this point is those people were told someone was trying to “control” them and now that’s how they see it
So much pushback on this. Let me add: I’m not saying this method is going to change everyone’s mind. Just that you will probably change someone’s mind more easily without calling them an asshole.
A fair amount of people are saying, “being nice didn’t work, it’s time to shame people” but I don’t think saying “Hey dickhead wear a mask” is “shaming” anyone?
No, presenting the straightforward facts about this will not change ALL the minds of people not wearing masks. But how about SOME?
I gotta go to bed but last thing I’ll say is if you’re gonna shame people you better be good at it https://twitter.com/jeffsharlet/status/1277082095953891328?s=21 https://twitter.com/JeffSharlet/status/1277082095953891328
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