Exposing @tuckerrsgold
a thread;
BTW, idc if she sees this. She needs to. I want her to see the people she has hurt.
All DM's will remain anonymous do not ask me to reveal their identity.
1) Kaylee has been recently sending death threats and being just overall rude to plenty of people. I have found victims of hers thats she has used for followers then blocked once she got more followers than them. I asked her victims to come forward and DM me.
2) I got a couple DMs. I will be showing those DMs in this thread. REMEMBER!!! Never be scared to call out someone. What Kaylee is doing is NOT okay.
3) Here is the first person to DM me.
4) 4) (same person in number 3) I'm sure we're all glad she's finally being exposed for the horrible person she is.
5) Here again, Kaylee used someone to promote her account and gain more followers.
Here is Kaylee attacking Chris. She can attack him for whatever she wants, but its not OK to judge someone for their looks. Friends of hers have also done fave reveals and she's said that she looks prettier.
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