Despite how "stale" the 2010s is supposedly. I find myself enjoying it alot more than the 2000s.
Games like Shadow and Heroes LOOK interesting and fun but when I play them I feel nothing or I feel an annoyance. They feel so dry for how much they have going for it. The best this era had was Sonic Adventure 2 because it still retained fluid gameplay, an engaging story,
well designed stages (besides mech), and an experience that overall feels engaging. Heroes has outstanding presentation and that's all I can say. Everything else is boring or feels ass. The controls are a far cry from how well the Adventure games controlled, the level
design looks cool but when you play the game it feels so cheap. The story is only any good when characters are interacting but overall it feels lazy, the game is repetitive as all hell, and it just isn't any fun overall. It looks cool but it isn't really that cool. For Shadow
(2005) you take Heroes and worsen everything by ten. Sonic 06 is just bad. Nothing really remarkable bad besides the story just bad. Rushed kind of bad. Unleashed appears to be something amazing and for so long I thought it was this awesome game that everyone loves but when I
played it? I absolutely despised it. The presentation, music, hub worlds, and SOME boost stages were great but everything else just dragged it down. This is a game you just look at thinking it's awesome but the experience itself is hell. Advance 1 is stale af and I never feel
like revisiting it, Advance 2 is just a bitch and nothing more, and Advance 3 is an odd mix sometimes working, but not overall. These games are just there. They don't really feel that special. Rush is a good start but that's it. Nothing about this game makes me want to
pick it up again and again. Rush Adventure is a step up but it still feels like a mess at times making it mid. Secret Rings is complete ass gameplay wise and design wise. Another "looks cool, isn't fun to play" scenario. Black Knight is just there. Presentation wise it's good and
gameplay wise it's alot better than Secret Rings but I just don't find it that fun. It's just a game I'll play so I can have a proper opinion on it. So all in all this era is just a flashy mess to me. I don't really ever want to look into this era and I would rather
play games from the 90s like Sonic Adventure and Sonic 2 or the 2010s with games like Generations and Mania. Why? Because I just don't think the 2000s is anything that special.
Can't wait till this thread I actually cared about gets no attention but a photo of Sonic dancing to Cruel Angel's Thesis catches everyone's attention
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