He doesn't use mental illness to sell records :) https://twitter.com/gdshimmered/status/1277111951131152385
So for anyone saying "if your faves were depressed you would rather them hide it?"
My fave was depressed. He did talk about it openly with his fans. That's why its disgusting to see people use pics of him during this period as jokes.
If music about bringing mental health to light and helping people with depression was resonated with the fans we wouldn't be dealing with these kinds of tweets. All we asked in those comments was for u to delete bc it triggers alot of his fans to remember him as skin and bones
If you are interested at all watch Motte documentary on YouTube to see what he eas going through the time this Pic was taken.

So stop coming at me for saying your faves only talk about mental health for sales bc the way your fandom acts sure makes it look like it.
Loud about records ( congrats on those) and saying how the music helped you ( nice to hear) but then go behaving like this under a tweet about GD getting 13th on fanbased voting poll? It just makes no sense. Just be nicer, that's all we really ask.
Ill delete my tweet if army's make her delete hers first. Go be loud under the one who started hatinf in the first place.
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