it's better than nothing but this still isn't enough for people to live on. my rent is $420 a fortnight and if I didn't live with my boyfriend, I couldn't afford to live
also I love how they're only increasing it now that many middle class workers who lost their jobs are now on it. they should have increased it from the start when there's so many of us living under the poverty line
and at the moment they can't call all of us dole bludgers, not when a lot of us have lost our jobs or we couldn't find any to start with. this is why I'm going back to uni but it's still gonna be a rough 4 years relying on government benefits that are simply not enough
and then you have people like my old boss who hires people only from employment schemes so that he earns payouts to keep us employed, there's many businesses like this that only want us for the government money and after the contract is up they fire us
this is especially the case for "unskilled" workers
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