Like this and i will tell u a secret
@ushikariare your writing is beautiul and so so mesmerizing and captivating. your soul is so sweet and touches my heart very softly and tenderly. you’re a friend i’ve never had beofre and i’m glad we met today. i love u
@pavlikovskyfilm your presence in my life is constant now and i adore u to bits. i’m thankful that we’re friends and that we trust each other a whole lot! your writjng will soon be met with the world and they’ll love and adore it with their whole hearts. i love you
@kageyamangst your art is captivating and so, so beautiful and it just brings me great joy whenever i see it. you are full of love and support and i hope you know that you deserve it all and that your hands will always be warm because of love. i love you so much
@t9dashi you are so smart and so strong, and you’ll soon take the world in your palms and make them listen to you. you deserve all the love and affection you receive because you’re simply deserving of so. your writing will be heard of and read of and will be loved. I love you
@eitabf you have always been valid and loved, long before others have told you otherwise. you are someone i hold dearly and close to mgyheart and i hope it stays like that for a long time. your talent is in craft and it will be rewarded with love always. I love you a whole lot
@atsuhinass__ the love and support you pour out into the world will come back to you, in much greater form and force and it’s what you deserve. your hands have written countless love and poetry and the world thanks you for it. never stop writing. I love you so much
@floraphobic the world has always loved and supported you, through anything and everything. your hands have touched the galaxies and it will only make you stronger and to make the world listen to you more. love will always come back to you. I love you
@reophobic love and validation have always been a friend of yours. the universe thanks you for your writing and how you have loved everything in small bits. i will always love you and your writing, never lose passion because you are full of talent and love. I love you
@zukosbf i thank the universe for letting me be your friend and to find you again. you are such a warm and light presence and i adore you to bits because of it. you will always be loved and valid, please never forget. i love you
@cabeswhatever you and I havent talked much but your love and support warms my heart greatly. you are deserving of love and affection, never forget. the warmth of the world comes to you in forms of love and laughter. I love you
@kaspbraksss your hands have crafted magnificent art and love and you have always shared it to the world. the world kisses and loves you for it. never stop loving and making, you are made for it. you have always been valid and loved, never forget. I love you
@sftlys you have always been heard and loved. your ideas in the world are of absolute love and beauty, please never stop sharing and writing. your love for others will always come back to you in greater force. you’re always loved and valid. I love you
@MSBYPRINT you have always been deserving of love and kindness. the love you give out has always been enough and you deserve the love you have always received. whatever happens, you will always be valid. the universe will always be here for you. I love you so much
@ANTlCELEBRITY you have always been valid and loved by the world. others have always been thankful for the love and friendship you’ve given them, and i am a part of that. we haven’t been that close but i will always hold you dearly. I love you
@hajimecult your eyes have always seen the world in a beautiful lense and your hands have written magnificent and mesmerizing stories. never stop writing, the universe made you so for people will always love it. you are deserving of love, always and forever. I love you
@haydenbortion you have always been valid and loved, long before others have said otherwise. the love you receive is something you deserve and something the universe have always wanted to give you. you are strong and will take the world by storm. I love you so much
@jozehnji your writing will always be heard of, be read, and will always be loved. your hands have written the universe and people will kiss the words you’ve written out for its beauty and love. you are deserving of talent and love, always. never stop writing. I love you
@xehye the world is cruel but your heart has always been full of love and affection. you are worthy of love and validation. the universe has always given you love and you have taken it with your gentle hands. never stop loving, you are made for it. I love you
@mechapilots the universe has made you with so much talent and love, and the world thanks you for sharing it. you’ve always been loved and you’ve always been valid, the stars made sure of that. never stop writing, you will always be heard of and loved. I love you
@cotspring you will always be valid and loved, the universe is sure of it. the love and support you give out will always come back to you in greater force. i will always love and adore you, you’re someone I hold dear and close, you’re a friend I’ll always be grateful to have
@northvinyls you’re someone I hold close to my heart and you have now since become a constant in my life. i hope it stays like that for a long time. you will always be deserving of love, please remember. i love you so dearly and warmly
@levyakyu the art and talent you exude will always be rewarded with love and praise. you are deserving of said love and praise because your art is captivating and have always touched the hearts of others. never stop creating, the stars gifted you with it. i love you a whole lot
@svtgolive you have always been valid and loved, the universe makes sure to let you remember that. you’re a friend and someone dear to me, i’m glad you’re here and that you’ve been a constant in my life. the world will soon warm you with its love and affection. I love you so much
@demonIine the world will always listen to you and will always love you. you are deserving of the love you receive. i am grateful for your presence in my life, i hope you remember that. i love you a whole lot
@SOLARlSTIC you are strong and brave, and the world has always looked at you in awe and in love. the stars set out to give you love and you are deserving of so. thank you for being here and for letting me be a small friend in your life, I love you
@inumvkis the love and support you give out have always returned to you in greater number. you are worthy of love and praise. your writing is worthy of it too. never stop creating, your hands are made to do so. i love you
@ik6ru the world will always love you and will always listen to you. you are someone who is worthy of love and affection, and you will always be valid. thank you for being here, I love you
@bokauka the stars have looked at you and have given you all the talent and love in the world. never stop creating. never stop loving. you have always been valid and loved, the universe will always make sure you remember that. thank you for being here, I love you so much
@tinysriasih we haven’t interacted much but you are someone I hold dear and close! the universe kisses you softly and will give you all the love and support you are deserving of. never stop creating, i love you
@yukaluh you have never been afraid to give out your love and support and the stars thank you and will give you just as much back. you are someone I hold close, even through our minimal interactions. please never stop loving, i love you a whole bunch
@entremelement you. i have no words to describe how you are so supportive and how deserving of love you are. the universe have always kissed your warm hands and will always give you love and validation. you deserve it all. I love you
@faerdyke you have always been valid and loved, long before others has said otherwise. you are so strong and brave, and the stars smile down at you for the love you keep on giving. you will always be worthy of love and validation. never forget. I love you so much
@bubblinebitch has the universe ever whispered to you how you are worthy and deserving of love? i hope they did, they’re saying what is true. you will always be loved by others. thank you for being here, even with our minimal interactions x) I love you
@inarizakicks your hands have been made to create and to love, the world thanks you for being here and for sharing your talent. i have said this before but your writing is somethig I hold close and dear, and much the same to you. never stop creating, i love you so much
@allukasgf you have always been valid and loved. the stars have always been in love with you and will gift you all things dear. we haven’t interacted much but you’re a very nice friend! never stop loving and creating, i love you
@himbokirk has the universe ever told you that you are worthy of love and validation? i hope they did, because it’s true. the gods have kissed your warm palms and knew that you are of talent and endless love. never stop loving, never stop creating, it is who are you are. i love u
@adhdeds the stars have looked at you and knew that you were of talent and love, it is inside you, a part of u are. you will always be valid and loved, the gods are sure of that. you’re someone who is constant in my life and I love you always. always and forever, in my heart
@milfrepIyguy countless others have always loved and validated you, and I am a part of that. the universe has sent you thousands of kisses, full of love. never stop loving and being brave, that’s who you are. you’ll always be worthy of love. I love you
@dykegin love and support will always come back to hug you. you are always worthy of such affection. never stop creating and loving, your hands and heart are made to do so. thank you for being here, I love you
@CAPTAlNWlNGHEAD the gods have given you the talent of creating and loving, and your hands have shared it for the world to see. you are deserving of all the love and praise you receive. thank you for still being here with me, I love you
@hukomaru you have always been deserving of love and affection. your heart is full of love and the universe gives you love you are worthy of. thank you for being here, I love you
@ratgirl22 your hands have been kissed by the gods and your heart is loved and validated. thank you for being here with me, still. you are always worthy of love and affection, never forget. I love you so much.
@rinkosbff you are always valid and loved, the universe made you to be loved. never stop being a light presence on everyone’s lives. never stop loving. never stop creating. I love you so much
@FlavoredGames has the universe kissed your palms and told you that you are worthy of love and affection lately? you are someone dear to me and someone I hold close to my heart. thank you for being with me, I love you
@msbybokutobeam the support and love you have given to others will come back to you always. we haven’t interacted much but the gods have kissed your palms and told you you’re worthy of love and validation. thank you, i love you
@ME6UMl the universe has looked at you and knew that you are someone who is deserving of all the love and affection. look at your palms and remember that you will always be valid and loved. thank you for being here, I love you
@koushier you will always be valid and loved, long before the universe makes you think otherwise. my hand longs to hold yours again. you own my heart and you deserve all the love you receive. i wish to see your eyes again and to hear your pretty Laugh 🧐 I love you endlessly
@hyuckish have you listened to the stars lately? how they whispered to you of how deserving of love and affection you are? your hands are capable of holding the world, don’t be afraid. be brave always. thank you for still being here with me, I love you
@twsdeku you will always be loved and valid, the universe has made you to be. look at your hands and remember that the stars carefully crafted you to be here and to love. you’ll always be brave, whatever happens. I love you
@tobioallen you have always been valid and loved. remember that. the galaxies have gone through a lot to make you, and they are here to make sure that you are worthy of love and affection. you’ll always be loved. never stop writing, people will read and love it. I love you
@8urodai the stars have gently crafted you to be someone who is worthy of love and praise. your words will always be heard of and will always be loved. your hands hold the entire universe, never forget. never stop creating, you’re destined to do so. I love you
@kidzwithkrowz you will always be worthy of love and validation, never forget that. your hands will soon be warm to the love the world gives you. don’t hesitate to receive it all. it’s what you deserve. thank you for being here with me still, I love you
@sapphiceiji you’re someone full of love and support and the world will soon hear of your wonderful writing. never stop creating, even if its just the start. your hands are made to write and so is your heart. I love you
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