€120M for Antoine Griezmann, €120M for Dembele, €160 million for Coutinho, €35M for Andre Gomes etc. all of them need 3-4 seasons to "integrate". But we have no time to give chances to Adama, Aleña, Todibo, Thiago etc. because Barca too big to give chances to youngsters. https://twitter.com/IBES16/status/1277094280276914176
Some of these fans are just as bad as the board. One bad performance from a youngster and they call for his head and claim he is unfit to even walk on the Camp Nou pitch. Same bad performance from a big money signing and they go "but he needs time to integrate"😭
Imagine thinking you can judge a players entire careers worth of training and talent in just 60 mins.
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