A short story about City Council ( @NYCSpeakerCoJo) & @NYCMayor being shameless liars, trying to pull one over on us while pretending to respond to bare minimum of NYers' demands to shrink NYPD.

In 1998, Giuliani's admin entered a MOU about NYPD + schools. https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4163589/NYC-Current-MOU.pdf
The MOU let NYPD control "safety" issues in NYC schools, and created a framework that has let policing in schools expand wildly to today's absurd level: ~5,300 "School Safety Agents" (cops) and ~200 uniformed NYPD cops (also cops) occupy NYC schools. https://www.cdfny.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/10/CDF-NY-Report-History-of-Policing-in-NYC-Public-Schools.pdf
After some BS task force recommended, in 2016, revising the MOU and limiting NYPD control, @NYCMayor added the issue of police in schools to the long list of things he was too cowardly to do because it mildly irritated the NYPD. https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/sclt/downloads/pdf/SCLT_Report_7-21-16.pdf
I'm telling you all this to say: BdB has had it on his wish list to take schools away from NYPD for a long time.

BUT ALSO, that doesn't mean shit about reducing policing in schools. Why?
In 1994—BEFORE NYPD TOOK OVER—the DOE's "Division of School Safety" already had 3,200 officers, making it the *9th largest police department in the country.* https://www.cdfny.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/10/CDF-NY-Report-History-of-Policing-in-NYC-Public-Schools.pdf
Now, @NYCMayor (who has wanted this for years) and @NYCSpeakerCoJo (who doesn't have a single principled bone in his body) are going to give school policing back to DOE, and then pretend that doing so is (1) a response to protesters' demands, (2) limiting policing in schools.
Both of these things are lies! DOE presided over the introduction and expansion of policing in schools from 300 "officers" in 1970, to 3,200 in 1994. That was all under the department of education (& special shout-out to the teacher's unions that demanded more cops in the 1970s).
"Moving school safety out of NYPD" as a response to protesters' demands is a bullshit shell game move. It's peak PIC preservationism: helping policing adapt in creative ways to evade public scrutiny. @NYCMayor @NYCSpeakerCoJo are both a disgrace. Both should quit lying, & resign.
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