Hey guys, Chross here.
It’s been a few days! As I’m sure just about all of you know, recently I was made aware of an account specifically targeting myself and my work. The account had been active for a couple of days and was supposedly run by sixteen people who thought I needed a ‘reality check’, +
though there was nothing but hateful comments about my stories and me as a person with nothing that could be considered helpful or constructive. +
I’m not gonna lie, I needed a few days to reevaluate what I’m doing after I read through the account. Should I have just blocked and reported? Yeah. But if you’re somebody with anxiety you know that sometimes it’s not knowing what people are saying that makes it worse. +
So like the masochist I can sometimes be, I went through every single post and read them because I had to know what they were saying even if by doing that I was giving them what they wanted before I logged off for a few days. I have a few things to say about it too. +
The first thing is they tore my stories apart, specifically TSOYH and ‘Foolish’, though there were some honorable mentions when it came to my other stories but those two specifically hurt the worst. If you don’t like what I write, I’m not going to be offended by an unfollow. +
If you don’t like my stories then that’s okay!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and taste! It’s okay to back out and not look back; what isn’t okay is leaving a nasty comment or creating an account to hate on someone. +
I know I’m not the best writer, I’m aware of my weaknesses and the lack of depth my stories probably have, I’m have no illusions of being the best like that account said. +
There are so many phenomenal writers out there in the community that I’m lucky to know, so maybe if you don’t like my style try out theirs? Just move on. +
The second thing is they attacked me as a person. I’m so incredibly sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I’m not genuine in my replies. Your comments and messages mean the absolute world to me, and I look forward to replying to each and every one of them! +
The very thought that any of you might think that I’m being. . . High and mighty or blowing smoke up your ass is upsetting. I hope to continue to show you all how much I truly care, and I hope I never come across as attention seeking. +
I appreciate you guys and I hope you’ll keep my behavior accountable, please tell me if I ever offend. +
I want my account to be a safe harbor for people who need a little joy in their lives. If you’re sad or down, I want you to be able to read my stories and see my retweets and feel good. +
My account is a safe space, welcome to anyone who wants a little entertainment or just needs a friend. My DMs are always open, so if you need to talk or just want a new friend, I’m here. +
Lastly, I just want to say thank you. When I disappeared after making that post, I figured maybe one or two people outside of my friends and the Soft & Feral group chat might care in passing, I absolutely did NOT expect this much outrage on my behalf. +
You guys really went to war for me, the thoughtful comments, the meaningful DMs, all this love was pouring in for me and I had no idea. My Curious Cat is filled with heartfelt messages and people even donated to my Ko-fi just to make me smile. +
I was not expecting any of this and my heart is full to bursting. I also thought that if anything I would lose followers because of the drama, or maybe some of you would believe a thing or two the account would say, not because of the type of people you are, +
but because there are times I don’t feel worthy of love. But it was the opposite actually? +
To the 801 people who have been following me for so long: Thank you so much for your continued support. I hope to keep creating content that you enjoy enough to stick around, I appreciate you so much more then you could ever know. +
To the 185 people who followed me after the Incident™️: Wow, hello! Welcome to my page, I promise it’s not usually this much of a shit show! I try to post updates or random writings at least once a day and I look forward to continuing that here soon. +
Thank you for the follow and your support too, I hope you like what you see! Don’t be afraid to reach out or interact, I’m looking forward to getting to know you! +
To all my friends in the Soft & Feral group chat and the TiE group chat: I love you guys, thanks for being such good friends to me! I’m lucky to know you all! Let’s keep going for a long time, okay? +
To @vmincrumb & @nonbinaryjimin : Thank you both so much for reaching out during this time to make sure I was okay, and thanks for listening to me complain and not taking it personally if I wasn’t emotionally ready to reply.
To @nordicmunchkin & @taechimmytae : I adore you both more then words can express. Thank you so much for helping me get my head on straight these last few days, even when I was barely responsive. +
Your support means everything to me, I know I can always count on you! I hope you can count on me too. +
Now that that all is said, I wanted to take a moment and remind everyone to be kind. None of us know what each other are going through and our words seriously impact others mental health. Let’s foster a space for kindness, love, and self acceptance. +
It takes way more energy to be cruel then it does to be kind, so let’s all agree to treat each other with respect! If you don’t agree with me on spreading love and positivity, then please locate the unfollow button at the top and block me. +
I have seen and read all of your lovely comments and I’m filled with such joy that I don’t have the words necessary to express it. I’ll be replying to DMs, CCs, and Ko-fis here soon, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to reply to every comment and still put out content +
this weekend like I planned (I’ve been sitting on a commission, a social media AU update, and a FlowerChild!Tae update since last weekend!!). Please know that I appreciate every single word you guys have said, and the fact that you’d take the time to leave me a message whether +
we talk or know each other or not blows my mind. But I’m just ready to put this whole thing behind me and move on, I hope you understand! +
Thanks so much for having my back, I promise to have yours. If anyone needs a fighter in their corner, you know where to find me.

I love you guys. 💕💜

You can follow @chrossxxxrodes.
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