When Anna Chapman moved to Manhattan in 2009, she told her new friends she worked as a realtor. A few months later, an FBI investigation revealed Chapman’s secret—she was a Russian spy. https://twitter.com/FBI/status/1276878195908804611
Why would a Russian spy want to become a “realtor” in New York City?

Could it have anything to do with finding ways to launder illicit Russian money through NY real estate markets? https://twitter.com/kelly2277/status/1007338841546612737
It appears that Soviet intelligence was actually instructing Chapman to connect specifically to NYC real estate developers.

You know, ones that might be open to money laundering... https://twitter.com/kelly2277/status/1007323232196857857
Here is what is interesting.

When you look closely at a certain NY property developer, you start to notice a pattern.

Every time Trump builds a new property, it’s somehow at the nexus of criminal activity in the area.

Especially the Russian kind.

Maybe because, like Anna Chapman, Trump’s real estate business was only a cover for what he was really doing?

Trump “helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/03/13/donald-trumps-worst-deal
How could there be so much dirty money, that one needs to build massive real estate developments just to launder it all and make it look legitimate?

I mean, okay, we know that legitimate businesses have literally trillions stored offshore - but that’s totally legit, right? https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1258279265289682944
Well, as it turns out, we can’t really say that.

There are huge pools of money stored in these offshore havens. And once money started mingling around together there, we didn’t really have any way to know what it was being used for.

Until we got things like the Paradise Papers. https://twitter.com/sisu_sanity/status/1258272922965245953
When you start digging around into these vast pools of money, you start to get this strange feeling...

It sort of feels like there is a group of robber barons in the world who have been hovering up all of our wealth, and then using it for things they don’t want us to know about.
How did this happen to begin with?

For starters, let’s take a look at the way the wealthy have managed to convince us - through GOP policies - to lower their tax rate over the years.

Notice the precipitous drop around the 80s/Reagan era:
Now watch the tower on the right grow, while the rest of them drop and level out.

That is the top 0.1% taking all of the income gains over the last 40 years, while the rest of us get none.

They’ve been drinking our milkshake.
It’s almost like there is a certain group of sociopathic people who want to *own* everything.

The kind of people whose greed drove us into a Great Depression, that we had to dig our way out of with liberal policies.

And they’ve slowly been building their resources back up. https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1257229467434418176
The old robber baron philosophy was to take monopoly control over limited resources, and then get wealthy by charging people to use them.

But that isn’t quite enough; they need more.

In 1980, David Koch rejuvenated a Birch-like libertarian movement.

Does this look familiar?
That failed of course - because no one wanted to vote for a platform that takes away everything that we have built since the Great Depression.

So, plan B.

They financed a group that would just write the “business-friendly” bills they want, and give them to our lawmakers.

ALEC: https://twitter.com/Tentoads4truth/status/1068642125040906240
So you have these bills, but they won’t go anywhere without at least *some* popular support.

So the next step is to fund massive media operations that inject these ideas into voters’ minds, and make them think it’s in their interests.

40 years of this, culminates in “Tea Party” https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1268779497488216064
But there is a big risk in radicalizing an entire voting bloc, feeding them wildly conflicting information, and destroying their critical thinking skills:

They can be taken over by anyone, with the right messaging.

Do these guys sound a little worried?
While old-money US robber barons like the Kochs were gearing back up for their next attempt at turning us into an oligarchy, something else was happening in Russia.

They were becoming a kleptocracy, owned and operated by a combination of the KGB and the Russian mafia. https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/1253145577287794694
It is very hard to put into words just how greedy, ruthless, and sociopathic the Russian state has become under this model.

For a tiny glimpse into understanding, listen to Bill Browder’s Senate testimony - it is well worth the time: https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1183392498040750080
It is shocking that they put bounties on American soldiers. But not surprising.

They have poisoned people with radioactive elements, that can expose bystanders, and take weeks to die from - just to send a message dissuading others from crossing them. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/58088#treatment
This may seem morbid, but it’s important to understand.

These are the people who Trump, and our own GOP politicians are in bed with.

The GOP are *not* on team USA - they are 100% on team Russian-Mafia-State.
When you find yourself wondering how on earth the GOP can possibly be okay with allowing our elderly to die, just to keep the stock market churning, remember...

These are the people they consider allies - this is who they *choose* to associate with: https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1277008915494887424
This is what the Republican Party has become over the years.

Notice how disgraced criminals never really leave the “family” (as Paul Ryan referred to it).

Why is it that a list of convicted Republican pedophiles is literally pages long? https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/90jfta/mueller_reportedly_subpoenas_manhattan_madam_in/
To understand how the GOP was infiltrated and taken over is a very long story.

But even in the 70s, the GOP was an “inverted” political party.

They don’t exist to enact the public’s interests.

They start with their own agenda - and then they create a voting bloc to gain power: https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1226315980172754944
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