***Peril sensitive glasses required beyond this point!

This is a tough love thread that holds very little back, if you're offended by this thread make no mistake, I don't care. If you don't like what you read here, don't come crying to me, I'm not interested in a 'debate'
Those who have tried to stick with the common sense rules of containing a disease are exempt from this ranting lecture.

You have been warned!
Full disclosure: I opted to stay where I was when the pandemic was proclaimed, Thailand. I felt, at the time, that they would take the necessary steps to contain the virus and the population would 'generally' cooperate. I was right.
As of this writing we have gone 33 days without a community infection. 95th on the infection rate, 58 dead. But, they're still holding firm on mask wearing and social distancing. Breaking those rules can still lead to fines.
Now in stage 5 – that's stage 5 of relaxing the lockdown. Months ahead of any country in the western world. This is how it's done.

P.S. I never, ever respond to trolls, bots or people who just want to pick fight b/c they're bored. I just block and get on with my day.
Peril sensitive glasses on!

Ya just can't fix stupid but you can plan for it. Here is a composite list of steps taken by successful South East Asian countries in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Actions I've been told repeatedly “Wouldn't fly in Canada!” because -freedom.
Early travel restrictions – all inbound travel stopped – all of it, including citizens. Once the gov had quarantine protocols in place citizens were allowed to return, no one else, no property owners, no business people, not even if you have family, kids etc, no foreigners.
Violation of quarantine protocols could face jail and heavy fines. Borders closed, including trade, migrant workers, complete shut down. Relaxed when food import protocols in place. All domestic travel stopped. No going home, no travel beyond local 'approved' needs, period.
All entertainment venues closed, all beaches and parks closed, all public gathering places closed. All large shopping facilities closed except for grocery and drug stores, cannot enter without a mask and temperature check – no exceptions.
An anecdote aside: The local mini-mart, a Tesco, had an issue with a couple of idiot westerners refusing to wear a mask and take temperature check. The next day, the largest Thai man I have ever seen in my life began working there. They took care of the problem.
Curfews such as 10 PM to 4 AM are common. Banned alcohol sales to shut down parties. Early adoption of tracing/tracking apps- sort out privacy issues later.
Violation of any national health edicts – arrest and jail. Not some wimpy ticket and a lecture, but arrest and jail.
Released but facing a trial in the near future with stiff fines and possible jail time. Populations understand the common good, they have mutual respect for each other. Their families, friends, neighbours and fellow citizens come first, their own autonomy second.
So don't lecture me on how much better Taiwan, Vietnam or Thailand did. Canada's chief medical officer has had to fight Canadian intransigence from day 1. Anti-lockdown protests, 1,000s gathering in parks/beaches, people having dozens of friends over for a party.
You don't need to be told not to walk out on the street in front of a bus (maybe when you were 3 yrs old) so why do you need to be ordered to wear a mask, to social distance? You didn't want to do the job for the common good and Canada has suffered from that.
Hell, you're still arguing over whether you should wear a mask and who should be exempted b/c special reasons. Maybe you could pull your collective heads out of your collective arses and stop thinking about “me, me, me, me, me, me -you're infringin' on my rights” bullshit.
Maybe Canada could have contained this goddamned this as well as those is SEA did. In the meantime, go ahead, keep blaming Dr Tam for not holding your hand every second of everyday, maybe she and the gov thought you were adults and you'd do the right thing.
Too many decided that it's not your responsibility to take care of each other, you needed a haircut.
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