Police brutality is happening in the community where our university is housed. Have y’all heard about Aleyah Lewis? Aleyah Lewis is a Champaign native that was brutalized by 3 Champaign police officers.
On April 10th she was thrown down to the pavement, sat on, and abused by the police while being threatened with their guns. The police were informed of a Black man with an armed handgun that may have possibly shot himself. They were also informed that a Black woman was with him.
Common sense would say that “this may seem to be a domestic abuse case”. Looking for the perpetrator and rescuing the victim would be a smart way to approach this situation. But the Champaign police did not use their common sense.
They first apprehended a 14 year old and a 17 year old, unjustly, and later released them after likely traumatizing them. They then approached Aleyah Lewis (21) and Kamarion Busby (19).
Bubsy confessed to wielding a firearm and was being put in officer custody when officers attacked Aleyah Lewis. Lewis has been charged with four felony counts and none of them are being dismissed. Attached is the article detailing more information about the case.
We want the UIUC students to know that the community we live in are essential to us! We mustn’t forget or discard them! We must fight for each member as they fight for us! Please donate to Aleyahs defense fund! We must assist in her fight against the police!
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