African Traditional Justice System remains a casualty from the gutting invasions of Africa in recent historic times. Slave trade, colonisation, the multi-edged & the impassioned evangelism, economic forages, and others.

Our Ancestors survived
very harsh & trying times to beget us through caring and the sharing of the good and bad, all with justice. Individual burdens became lighter...bespoken, in situ UBUNTU Dictums in vigour.

Traditional justice system involves relevant Elders, as final arbitrators.
Litigants & witnesses are heard. Guilt is determined in accordance with relevant customs and traditions. The offender makes fitting reparations to the offended. Both parties are persistently enjoined & monitored to forgive & forget and to normalise their relationships
at the earliest. Adjudication is done in familiar & friendly settings.

The traditional justice system is therefore punitive, restorative, and reconciliatory in contrast to intruding alien systems, which often only send offenders to prison or otherwise punish them,
while giving little or no emphases to restoration & reconciliation. Humane criminal correctional handles.

Traditional justice is a dominant future of Ubuntu settings. Young people are taught how to communicate well and to avoid hatred & lasting bitterness.
This thread & related others argue that the woes of Africa, caused by massive losses of VALUES, can be swiftly & conveniently redressed through the clever re-tooling & rebooting of Ubuntu all over Africa.

The greater Ubuntu philosophy can also restore respect & dignity
to Africans & Africa, while making Africa the new progressive standard for humanism & the healing of the planet. Values & mindset changes, the ultimate mind revolution.

What’s your take on all of this? ENGAGE...!
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