One of the most sinister aspects of gender ideology is how blatantly it lies to people—especially children—about their bodies. Children need to know what their private parts are called, & those of the opposite sex. It’s not just honest, it’s critical to safeguarding: 1/7
The more accurately a child can report something that happens to them (someone exposing themselves, for example, or touching them), the more likely they are to disclose & the more seriously their report will be taken. Children also need to know how their bodies develop. 2/7
To say “some people menstruate, but it’s impossible to predict who, or what body parts are involved, or the biological function that causes it” serves absolutely no good purpose. Girls & boys both HAVE to be prepared for how their bodies will change in puberty, how to 3/7
take care of them, & when to talk to an adult when something doesn’t feel right. What benefit is there to telling boys they might have periods, or not telling girls they will? None. It’s dangerous, harmful & goes against all available evidence about how to raise healthy kids. 4/7
It’s telling, in the worst possible way, that the people who aggressively, shamelessly advocate lying to young kids about how their bodies work & what their organs are called are the same ones insisting kids get explicit instructions on how to engage in rimming. 5/6
This is their idea of“sex education:” Obfuscate kids’ understanding of how human bodies develop, operate, & procreate, but ensure that they are willing to allow adults to insert penises (or who knows what else) into their anuses. 6/7
There is no defensible argument for not teaching girls and boys what the bodies they live in are & do. The most charitable explanation is that it’s misguided. Alas that this is also the least plausible explanation, and the motives are likely far more insidious. 7/7
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