I’m gonna say this again for the people in the back. If you are ANY kind of gatekeeper, but especially around queer identities, you are fucking scum and should delete your account. Any micro label a person wants is fine and does not “invalidate” whatever community you’re
erroneously gatekeeping. Bi/pan lesbians and gays are fine. Nonbinary is not just “agender and/or genderfluid”. Lesbian does not mean “exclusively attracted to women,” and nonbinary people can use whatever the FUCK terms they want and it doesn’t make them less nonbinary.
I don’t give a fuck about your arguments because they’re all ahistorical terf bullshit, and are ethically no different to “trans women invalidate women.” If you gatekeep, you’re on the same side as terfs, and I don’t give a fuck what stories you tell yourself at night to justify
your hatred and bile. Whatever exclusionary shit happenes next, I’ll be against that too. If this thread upsets you, fuck off, block me. Don’t bother telling me you’re a bigot, I don’t care. You’re toxic and better out of my life.
You can follow @Kate_Bunni.
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