I've been seeing a lot of harassment/assault/inappropriate behavior of men in a couple of industries come out lately. I feel it's important to listen to all accusations and concerns, but I also know that it's not just men who do this. Women do it, too.
And while we listen to the experiences of women in these industries, I've come to realize harassment/assault/inappropriate behavior is in pretty much every industry from restaurants to huge corporations, book publishing, non-profits, gaming, tv/film, sports, you name it.
I experienced my own situation a couple of years ago w/ a woman working for an organization where Wil was hosting an event from them. I was in the backstage/green room area and this women went from subtle flirting to touching my knee because she thought I wasn't getting her hints
It wasn't that I wasn't getting her hints, it's that I wasn't interested but I felt I couldn't tell her to leave me alone because Wil was doing work for them. She then started telling me about her open relationship with her boyfriend and how he doesn't care who she sleeps with.
By the end of the evening (and no success at subtlety toward me) she just came right out and said she was really into me, handed me her business card, and said "I'm ok with both of you." Shortly after, she followed us to our car as if expecting to be invited back to our hotel.
She stood awkwardly on the sidewalk while Wil and I got into our car and left. Wil had no idea what was going on or why she was out there with us so I had to explain it all. Since then, I found out other people I know have dealt with this stuff from women a lot. I had no idea.
Both of my adult sons have experienced women either demanding something physical from them, or their attention. At an industry party at SDCC in 2011, a woman told my son she was buying him drinks so she "wouldn't have to drink alone." He felt he had to accept and hang out w/ her.
I have women friends who've had women co-workers sexually harass them, asking them repeatedly to have threesomes, one even answering the door half-naked at their hotel before work and repeatedly suggesting sex, despite my friend stating very clearly that she wasn't interested.
Ever since my friend rejected the sexual advances by the female co-worker in 2014, this woman has been making false claims that my friend blacklisted her. This woman has done this to men in her industry too. If she's rejected, she seeks to destroy. It's bananas and needs to stop.
How can harassment/assault be stopped in the work place? I do know a lot of employers have contracts. In those contracts there's a "morality clause" that's not specific so basically an employer can either pay off an accuser or fire the accused w/ no accountability to the employer
So employers, whether you have temp or permanent employees or you contract someone for a one-time job, be specific in your "morality clause" and break down the details of inappropriate behavior/assault/harassment. And never, ever agree to pay someone off to silence them.
There are companies and even law firms who specialize in sexual harassment/assault who can come to your place of business and educate everyone so there's no confusion. Write out those policies and make sure EVERY person you hire is very clear on them.
No one should be subjected to sexual harassment/assault/inappropriate behavior at any time but if policies can be put in place in regards to employment, at least that's a start. If you're a convention promoter, I recommend implementing these policies in writing to every con guest
And for the love of gods, when an accuser comes forward with sexual assault allegations or blacklisting concerns, hire a third party to investigate, ffs! These are crimes that need to be addressed so no one else gets hurt by them in the future. Ok, end rant. Thanks for listening.
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