The “Rapper Trinity” of this world and among all music genres and cultures are the ones and onlys:
All 3 of them are out of any chart’s league out there. They are beyond numbers and chart positions.
Their (Other @BTS_twt members included here) impact in people’s hearts, lives and souls can not be measured in numbers nor compared. So I would prefer to not even see their names mentioned in those kind of Top 50 K-Pop rappers charts out there.
We worked hard to bring them on the top so now there are more important goals than that. No need to ruin your beautiful mood when working hard for Billboard and the Grammy validation. All I want and from what I see #BTS wants is for more people to get the chance to be
BLESSED by listening to their music and message. The more people are blessed and know them, the more of the numbers we want to achieve will be reached organically. (Like #AgustD2)which had no promos and was free.
So I think is about time for us to share without shame, but with pride their music and what they are about. No need to find pride only on trophies and achievements. #BTS has outgrown those dreams ( #MicDrop ) and we need to catch up to their journey and understand
their more mature outlook and goals on their success. It seems now they want to be happy. And from what they say what makes their existence worth is making our pains even 1% less if necessary. So we gotta take that message & make it our mission to share it and heal the world
Be a force for good and not fall on the pettiness of toxic traps out there. We can be better for our own mental health (love myself) and for protecting the mental health of those around us (thou shalt love thy neighbors as thyself)-yes the Bible says that but selective +
+comprehension focuses more on “love thy neighbor”&leaves out the most important part to comprehend this higher law, that is “as thyself” &it’s why it sounds such a hard mission and commandment to accomplish. We can’t love others in a healthy way if we don’t love ourselves first
And yeah I brought the Bible and the higher Law in this because I started this thread with the “Rapper Trinity” and ended it with #BTS #Loveyourself message.
You can follow @ElbaK_2.
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