in mid January, 2017, i had just recently moved to Parma, Michigan, to get away. One night i went to sleep and had a very unique dream. - it was about the Hindu Trinity. in the dream, i was a kid playing outside at night with some other kids. well, they all went away and i...
decided to look up into the sky. it was pitch black - not a star in the sky. but there they were - the Hindu Trinity - standing there like statues - not moving at all. and then i looked away, then back again, and they were closer now (so i could actually make them out) - but the
Only one who i could really recognize was Vishnu (he was in the middle) - first, they're the ultimate mystery - there was this feeling that came over me (more like an answer) that they had just always been there. there's no way to explain their origin - they are without a doubt..
Eternal - no beginning and if no beginning, then no end. well, i was extremely shy (like i always am in real life - esp w girls) but i managed to overcome my shyness and i waved at Vishnu. and to my surprise - he went from basically being a statue to leaning forward at me...
and he started smiling and he waved back. and (no offense to my Hindu friends of course) but the impression i got was that he was more impressed/pleased by me waving at him than i was by him waving back at me! :) then the next thing that happened was he reached down and picked..
me up and set me down somewhere else. and we started having a conversation about how there will be lessons taught in life, etc, and, uh, yeah, this was already after my Mahdi/Dana meltdown a couple weeks earlier. makes sense huh? anyway - at the end of January 2017, i went to..  and posted about it. i also talked a great deal about my petty Christian upbringing and conversion to Islam, etc, and not surprisingly my thread got deleted. i never went back until the end of December, 2017, and there was a thread that got my attention..
it was titled "the curse of converts" and instantly i knew it was about me (intuition) - regardless, i read it. the person who wrote it started off talking about the Abrahamic religions, etc, then got into the Universe and Hinduism... and if you were ever wondering that screen...
shot of the whole "and here is a picture of a kitten to make all this rambling look more cute" came from that thread - followed by - Aum Namah Shivaya... so the point of this thread is - i don't care if I'm not living up to your unrealistic Islamic standards, etc, I've had far...
too many other experiences in my life (especially with God being a Woman, etc) to have rock solid conviction to just Islam alone. and reality is nobody knows for sure who God is but maybe (soon) we will and maybe that's why T.D. Jakes says I'm "Chosen for all"

Have a nice night.
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