THREAD: The time Finaldi felt so self-entitled—in anguish from his rapidly failing cases—that he subpoenaed the Santa Barbara DA, requesting "any and all photos taken" of MJ's genitals during the 1993 body search warrant.

Finaldi wanted copies of all of them for personal use.
On December 1, 2017—just over two weeks before Wade's case was tossed by the judge—Finaldi's firm fired off three sweeping subpoenas, requesting any and all records relating to the 1993-1994 Chandler investigation.

The subpoenas were issued to Santa Barbara DA, LA DA and LAPD.
What set these requests apart from all the others was Finaldi's sudden ludicrous demand for the complete photo set of MJ's body taken in December 1993.

Materials that not even Chandler's own civil attorney was able to obtain when requested back in 1994, including from the LA DA.
Outrageously, Finaldi seemed ready to argue that since MJ is deceased, there should be no expectation of privacy relating to his body, these photos or any other sensitive case files.

The estate was rightfully disgusted and referred to historic case precedent proving otherwise.
The estate again noted supreme court legislature that provides a family "peace of mind" from a "sensation-seeking culture."

Finaldi never explained how these items—from an unrelated investigation 25 years prior—established any "compelling need" to be handed over for Wade's case.
Indeed, Finaldi has been hell-bent on trying to infuse Jordan w/ his cases since the beginning, despite no connection.

FINALDI: He's a key piece of the puzzle surrounding this case, we're not going to stop until we find him. We're looking for him in many places including the UK.
Along with noting the unprecedented privacy violation and irrelevance to Finaldi's case—which in turn nullifies his overzealous request—the estate also pointed out how these photos were also guarded by a strict protective order that only the original issuing court could overrule.
Wade's original attorneys had in fact sent out DOZENS of subpoenas to the SB DA and SBSO in 2013-2014. Marzano sought all interviews, recordings, grand jury testimonies, investigative photos and reports.

These requests were largely denied—determined to be exempt from disclosure.
The subpoenas Finaldi issued to LAPD and LA DA were also improper.

He asked for all discovery w/out serving consumer notices to affiliated individuals, against Code of Civil Procedure.

"Robson frivolously ignored this fact and issued these subpoenas without consumer notices."
The estate emphasized Finaldi's carelessness once more, regarding his improper 11th hour subpoenas:

"Indeed, many of these persons...are the same who Robson had PREVIOUSLY RECOGNIZED had to be served with consumer notices. Robson's abject defiance of the law is beyond the pale."
In the end, the judge heard arguments from both sides and agreed with MJ's defense that all three of these Finaldi-issued subpoenas were to be quashed and invalidated.

As Spence argued, Finaldi's entire case hinges on "needle in a haystack" theories lacking any foundation.
If Finaldi's "Hail Mary" subpoena attempt worked to obtain those photos, no doubt Wade/James would miraculously for the 1st time be able to "describe" MJ's penis.

Currently the only description of MJ's penis ever offered by Wade has been: "A full adult, grown man-size penis." 🙄
The only fact more despicable than Finaldi's failed subpoena attempt is how these photos still exist in state control—11 years after MJ's passing for a case where no charges were brought.

MJ requested in 94 & 05 (post-acquittal) to have pictures returned/destroyed—always denied.
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