The Left is more principled than the Right.

I will expand on this since there is some resistance to this particular black pill.

I'll start with a reading assignment. At mass today we read Matthew 10:37-42. Go look it up if you aren't familiar. Better yet start from 10:34.
Jesus tells us he didn't come to bring peace but a sword. He came to divide families. He says that if you love your family more than him then you are not worthy of him.

Which group actually takes this idea seriously? The Left or the Right?
There is this meme that Thanksgiving is a stressful holiday because family will argue about politics. We roll our eyes at the thought of our pink haired sister lecturing grandpa about feminism.

Actually it takes a lot of courage to confront family about moral issues.
Right wingers love this quote but how many of them actually practice it? The Left has firmly planted their feet on several issues - race, immigration, transgenderism, LGBT recognition, feminism, etc. - and every day they say, "You move" and the Right does.
I'm near certain before the American Revolution there were mealy mouthed centrist IDW types hoping that nuance and debate and "shared norms" would win out and prevent war with the British.

Meanwhile a minority of extremists just decided to start breaking shit and killing people.
In the early days of the Christian church there were believers who wanted to hide, compromise with Pagan Rome, and keep their jobs. "They control all the institutions! How can we win??"

Meanwhile a bunch of extremists just kept spreading the Good News and getting martyred lol
Right wingers joke, "there are more Leftists at protests because we actually have jobs!"

Right. You care more about money than society's future. Also, Leftists know their family values conservative parents will never cut them off

Masterfully they use your own values against you
How were poor Vietnamese farmers and cave-dwelling zealots in the Middle East able to spank the world's largest military over several years? Because for Americans the wars were spectator sports and for the other side it was a life and death struggle for fundamental values.
(Remember when those cave-dwelling zealots were the good guys? Hilarious how determined Americans are to NEVER EVER learn from history)
The Left takes the culture war seriously. Economics, politics - it's all downstream of culture to them. Patiently they took over your institutions and still today they fight tenaciously with a chip on their shoulder painting themselves as oppressed underdogs.
It's not a collegial debate or sport to them. It's life or death. In any conflict it is the more intolerant side with the advantage.

They fight to win. They're not afraid to get their hands dirty - to lie, cheat, steal, doxx, harass. They don't wait for permission.
Jesus warned us that the world would persecute and hate us for following him.

The Right needs to embrace this and come to terms with what they are up against. They need to stop dreaming of some "silent majority" coming to save them. No such cavalry came for the early martyrs.
Gird your loins and prepare for a coming dark age that could last centuries. Or take the fight seriously and give it everything you have. Or do both.

Whatever you do, don't try to comfort yourself by saying the Left is "unprincipled" or "snowflakes." They are neither.
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