I seriously wonder if it hadn't been for Jeffree Star and James Charles if Shane Dawson's extraordinarily racist, misogynistic ass would be getting canceled right now. I'm still shocked at how successful his content was for as long as it was but it's YouTube afterall
There's this documentary series called The Chair that aired on Starz back in 2014 and the whole thing was basically an attempt to capitalize on Shane Dawson's YT fame and bring him into the mainstream by giving him $850K and a professional film crew + producers to make a movie
and it was happening at a time when people were trying to cancel Shane Dawson for the upteenth time because of his history of blatantly racist content so they were losing locations and they couldn't get actors to show up for auditions or take parts because of who he is
and he did this whole thing where he was talking about how much he wanted to make sure they cast black and Indian actors and he made it seem like inclusion was important to him but actually he just had some extremely racist caricatures he'd written into the movie
and the reason he wanted to put black and Indian actors into his movie is because what he took away from being criticized for black face was that the racist stereotypes weren't the problem, it was not having a black person do them that was the problem.
It's really shocking the extent of his racism and Chris Moore (Manchester by the Sea) and Corey Moosa (Margin Call) not only cosigned everything but defended it.Corey Moosa is on camera calling escort services to find a black man to help Shane put another racist joke in the movie
In the end Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) says he's so disgusted by Shane's movie he's removing his name from the project and doesn't want to be associated with it at all, and there's a moment where Corey Moosa tries to defend Shane and like realizes halfway through what he's saying
Because Moosa says "His [Shane Dawson] film is not smut for smut's sake, it's not just racist to be racist, he has reasons why he made specific choices that he made" but then switches gears and argues the movie isn't finished yet. Shane refused to edit and it was released anyway.
"It's not just racist to be racist, he has reasons why he made specific choices that he made" and I would love to know what exactly Corey Moosa thought the point of all of that was if not that Shane Dawson regards other races as inferior and only good for punchlines to his jokes.
It's niche I know but it still really pisses me off that you've got these producers who saw an extremely racist youtuber who had managed to get rich with his racist skits and decided they wanted a cut of that and tried to bring him into the mainstream
It failed and Chris Moore couldn't pay back his lenders because they only made about $30K on an $850K steaming pile of racist shit but the resources that got handed to Shane Dawson in the course of his career considering what he was making is upsetting
There's a really great part in the series where they've got a location at a tattoo shop and the woman who owns it figures out who Shane Dawson is and sends an email to production letting them know what a racist piece of shit he is and asking them to let her kick his ass
She was on set too and went up to Chris Moore and explained who Shane was, apparently thinking he wouldn't agree to work with someone like that if he knew what he was doing (HA!), and was asking him if he wanted to be associated with someone like that and uh, he did, sure
I'd like to think that the lull in Chris Moore and Corey Moosa's careers following the release of The Chair and Not Cool is attributable to the huge hand they had in helping Shane Dawson make that fucking awful movie but idk
Anyway if you don't know who Shane Dawson is he's a racist but very popular YouTuber and he's been teaching an whole generation of kids that black face is fine because he thinks it's funny and there's lots more racist upsetting shit he's said and done and he poisoned kids brains
now he's getting canceled because he teamed up with another extremely racist YouTuber/former musician/beauty guru Jeffree Star to try to cancel James Charles for being more popular than Jeffree while simultaneously manipulating his very young fans into buying Jeffree's makeup
and basically when they went to restock the makeup they brought up the James Charles thing again for attention and it backfired and people started bringing up all the horrible things these guys have put out into the world and this is the one time anyone's paid attention
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