This makes me so incredibly angry! I’ve lost all faith in humanity. At a complete loss of words for what our nation has become. #AltheaBernstein #BlackLivesMattter
Humans are seriously the worst. The comments (and profile pictures) on this thread... I don’t want to hear anyone say that White Supremacy doesn’t exist! They better find the 4 WHITE men who did this and charge them with a hate crime.
Also while I’m on my soapbox... the Confederate Flag needs to be BANNED. I don’t care if it’s part of our history... It was (and still is) an attitude of White Supremacy symbolizing that black people were not created equal. It’s extremely offensive and intimidating.
America can’t portray this image of equality, yet allow things like this to happen. All lives can’t matter until black lives matter!
We wouldn’t go walking around Germany with Swastika flags hanging and say “Oh well, 6 million Jews died but, it’s part of our history.” No, that’s absolutely absurd. So why the hell do we think it’s okay to fly the Confederate Flag?
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