Someone explain to me why, if we agree that redlining is racist, the deregulation of zoning controls designed to inhibit gentrification is not.
Mildly anxious about what’s going to happen if I close this app for the next hour... RIP my mentions?
A few thoughts:
1) Whew that was a relaxing nap.
2) I must have been feeling optimistic the day I unblocked some of the folks in my replies rn...
3) “Zoning” is more than just a convo about density. It’s also what keeps the local laundromat or bodega from turning into a wine bar.
Wow, some tremendously casual racism here!

(Btw, the median household income of Chinatown in 2015 was just $26k/year.)
Lol what was I *thinking* starting a thread on #housingtwitter with the asinine phrase “Someone please explain to me” đŸ€ ->💀
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