McChrystal's infoware technology was “developed to counter Islamic State propaganda,” a real enemy. The general does this to “combat” a President’s communication efforts in a time of national crisis.
One of the goals of information warfare is the delegitimization of government leaders.

Attacking a leader as he works through a difficult crisis is at the top of all insurgency manuals on actions taken to delegitimize a government.
While General McChrystal is experienced in countering information operations, he is best known for targeting individuals and networks
In his tenure as the commanding general of Jt Special Ops Command, he developed the F3EAD Cycle – Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze & Disseminate to hunt terrorists & their support networks. McChrystal will use this mentality to target President Trump & his supporters
His operation, Defeat Disinfo, accomplishes this through artificial intelligence (AI) and network analysis that maps President Trump’s statements to friendly discussion groups and the individuals who discuss them on social media.
In Intelligence parlance, this is a collection effort—but this one is directed at American citizens and U.S. persons. President Trump is not al-Baghdadi and pro-Trump Americans are not ISIS cells.
Over the last few years, Trump faced Russian Collusion, which failed, then the half baked Ukraine scandal that lead to impeachment, which also failed.
However, this 2nd political warfare assault via the Ukraine Operation led to an impeachment proceeding that severely disrupted the president as the pandemic crisis was brewing.
Today, we have a president trying to manage a national health crisis while cocooned by virology and public health advisors that seem to have a higher calling.
As the COVID19 crisis unfolded, indicators have appeared that the crisis is being used and manipulated as a cover, and pretext, to undermine both our national security and the constitutional, civil, and economic rights of citizens.
In addition, America’s public health institutions appear to be organized to undermine national sovereignty through international entanglements. America’s mainstream and social media giants have designated the W.H.O. as the authority. They have become its enforcers
The Left’s has now made a decision to transition to an open political warfare posture by using real information warfare capabilities to support its assault on the constitutional office of the Presidency because their candidate lost.
The AI used to drive McChrystal’s Defeat Disinfo comes from “open-sourced technology incubated with funding from DARPA . . . to combat extremism overseas.” While DARPA pushed back on various claims, a powerful DARPA nexus to McChrystal’s effort remains.
Yaacov Apelbaum warned about the privatization of intelligence as far back as 2013. In “On Privatizing Intelligence Gathering,” he asserted that information developed for the DoD to prosecute information warfare campaigns could later be used for domestic information operations.
Right now, it is presumed that Defeat Disinfo is building its client base while identifying issues and targets—key Trump supporters, social media nodes, and influencers—for future synchronized exploitation as the election cycle heats up.
Defeat Disinfo seeks to counter POTUS thru “narratives.” It will “intervene” in President Trump’s official communications by “identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country
In some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.
Narratives are propaganda. Defeat Disinfo plans to bend what President Trump says through narratives structured to undermine him in the eyes of the electorate & his base in a delegitimization campaign—in a time of crisis created by agitators (i.e. Antifa/BLM, etc. & China (Covid)
In the lexicon of info warfare waged along political warfare lines of effort, “Intervening” in the official activities of a President is called “disrupting.”
Both the American Left and the deep state believe that people who voted for Trump are extremists

“Extremism,” it turns out, is whatever the state wants to target. “If you oppose us, you’re extreme. If you fight back, you’re a violent extremist.”
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