So I understand why ppl are attracted to the allure of kitschy Americana via prayer candles, but it's v disrespectful and rude to BIPOC spiritual practitioners. Ppl's religious/spiritual beliefs aren't for shits & giggles and doing marketing tests on your customer base.
Ppl suffering under violent colonization practiced spiritual resistance by praying to their indigenous spirits under the guise of Catholicism. This is woven into many practices today such as Hoodoo, Haitan Vodou, Santeria, and Curanderismo which often work with prayer candles.
I hope y'all understand why "praying" to a high fructose toilet beaver is a huge slap in the face to the history and usage of these candles. People did not birth these beautiful, rich practices out of their suffering for kitschy pop culture capitalism.
I am trying to use this as a teachable moment, because I know we don't know what we don't know. Well, now that y'all know, you also know you can do better and start putting some respect towards BIPOC spiritual practitioners.
Folk magic and folk art is beautiful. It is a celebration of life. If you've been rolling your eyes or clutching your pearls at this thread pls take some time to examine why that is, and how deeply intertwined racism and capitalism are in society and in the spiritual community.
I feel like so many people hate Christianity/Catholics that they justify appropriating prayer candles as a middle finger to those institutions, but there is a history here many people are unaware of. I'm just trying to shed some light bc I'm tired of seeing this type of stuff.
Normally I just choose to say nothing, but given our climate of late I would feel wrong to say nothing. Please know this isn't a personal attack, I am just tired of seeing people's beliefs exploited in this way. We have to do better.
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