ever after high is about a highschool full of the children of fairy tales and how they follow their parents’ footsteps but the daughter of the evil queen decides she doesnt want to because shes not evil and everyone tries to push her to be evil and its amazing
its so empowering and its funny and cute and you root for every character!! there are royals and rebels, royals who are born into royalty and want to follow their parents’ footsteps and then the rebel have a harder destiny and want to rebel against their parents
some royals become rebels!! there is no one sided character they are all so interesting and fun. plus there are SOOOOO MANY characters and they are all shippable. also two girls are each other’s true love. watch ever after high on netflix! also they have so many different outfits
like so many different outfits for each person and they are all GORGEOUS (mostly bc they started out as dolls but then the show became really good)
you see sooo many different stories that are all compelling!! daughter of pinocchio physically can’t tell a lie. daughter of cinderella is obsessed with shoes and dating a rebel. daughter of sleeping beauty realizes shes gonna sleep for so long and she doesnt wanna lose her
friends so she becomes a rebel. daughter of goldilocks runs a show about gossip around the school. two sons of prince charming, one is super popular and the other wears glasses and is kinda nerdy. the DAUGHTER of prince charming becomes the daughter of snow white’s true love.
there are different seasons, one focusing on the school, one focusing on wonderland and the child of the queen of hearts!! one of them is about dragons and their pet dragons and the rivalry between snow white and the evil queen.
also the theme song is SO GOOD
oh also there are narrators and the daughter of the mad hatter can hear them and talk to them
it ran from 2013-2015 btw
and descendants 100% ripped it off<3
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