Thread on a lot of things 🧵

I’m catching up more or less with what’s going on in the world. While this platform—and other SocMe platforms make it so that we constantly feel the need to have and/or add commentary: we shouldn’t always feel compelled to do so...1/
I have a lot to say with everything going on in the world, but putting it bluntly: a tweet and/or post won’t change anything. A candid conversation goes miles further, as the individual we may be speaking to, and actively listening to is more prone to engage
in meaningful conversation as opposed to in a thread where their awareness of being scrutinized by others is heightened [human psychology; social ostracizing]: consequently responding from pride as opposed to reason and intent to grow...
I’m bothered by well-meaning individuals that I follow so precariously engaging in cancel culture. Is this not precisely what we as Catholics denounce from the world and yet, why are we engaging in this behavior that denotes spiritual and emotional immaturity?
The God that I have encountered throughout my life and more definitively the day of my Consecration as a Consecrated Virgin, is one that has lead me to proclaim the truth, yes. But to come to this very truth, requires love front and center, patience, open ears, and attentiveness.
I’m deeply troubled to see the lack of listening and patience being morphed under the guise of zeal for the things of the Lord: this isn’t zeal as it relates to the Lord.
"The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope or for action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible." -CCC 25
You can follow @gcecilia354354.
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