
In this thread im gonna put some things out there

But as always, do your own research and compare info. You know how these things are

Humanity cant help but get in contact with the concept of multi-dimensionality and the not so physical aspect of this world.

The body is indeed a complex machine, and many cultures saw it as the main, obvious reason we're anchored in this specific reality.
These ancient cultures and lines of studies, didnt know that in the future, our modern science would eventually drop the bone on the "down to earth" and skeptic mindset we had until a few decades ago. With quantic physics being now the "weird friend" in the community
Its went from initiates of the dark art using their "Assemblage points" to change what universal emanations is being capted by their awareness to see and enhabit other worlds.

To now being a scientific field of study in the science of men who only believe the visible
Einstein stumbled upon it too, his statements are pretty accurate in the sense that everything is energy in the universe, our dimension too. A concept that shamans and sorcerers have been experiencing in first hand for centuries, in a natural way.
What i'm trying to say is: we're not prepared for disclosure. Not at all.

We're not mature enough, religions would crumble or adapt.

Most christians dont TRULLY believe and engage in spiritually. Their religion is physical, they're afraid of such subjects
We're not ready to learn that in Atlantis, aka the Golden Age, humans were fully developed spiritualy and lived among many cosmic beings who saw earth as a nexus of conscious interaction in this dimension.
We're not ready to learn that after the major cataclysm that ended Atlantis, Reptlian beings left the mountains they were using to protect themselves from the flood.

And they started society rulling men and creating our religions. Christianity is engineered!
This thread was to show that only stablished organizations and ppl can change public perception and beliefs in substantial ways. The history they teach is fabricated, and made to keep you busy working and distracted. Keep you in this dimension.
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