For whatever reason, people don't see that BLM are systematically delivering demographic after demographic into Trump's column.
"The rich" are in no danger.

They have private security like you wouldn't believe.

But do you think they're voting for Democrats NOW?

The BLM Brownshirts don't have the power to follow through on their threats.

Hitler had 2 million Brownshirts. They were a genuine threat.
I certainly don't have to tell @parscale and @jaredkushner how to win elections, but I thought I'd pass this along:

Today a Trump supporter told me that his lifelong Democratic Socialist friend is voting for Trump.

The Trump supporter said, "This is just anecdotal, of course."

Every single Trump supporter who reads my thread says that a leftist they know has told them that they're voting for Trump.

Let's say that for every Trump voter, ONE leftist voter decides to support Trump.

That's at least 60 percent of the voting population.
And THAT is #TrumpLandslide2020

To add to the "just anecdotal evidence," the Trump voters who read my threads usually say, "My friend AND his/her whole family."

The one thing I did NOT expect was for the Democrats and the press to perfectly recreate 2016.
It just proves what I always suspected, that all leftists suffer from crippling cognitive rigidity.

Of course Trump and his team had 50 different reelection strategies, but now all they have to do is restart the rallies, and history repeats itself as if by magic.
What did we NOT have in 2016?
The most reliable voters are older people.

We remember things.

Most of all, we remember movies of dystopian futures where mobs ruled, and there was universal lawlessness.

We remember images of the world turned upside down.
The Democrats are running on an entirely suicidal platform:

They've adopted "A Return to Normalcy" as their slogan AS THEY SUPPORT UTTER ABNORMALITY AND LAWLESSNESS.

So the Democrats are saying, "Vote for Trump for a return to normalcy."

It's stunning.
EVERYBODY in the country knows that Trump opposes absolutely everything the Democrats support.

So what do the Democrats do?

They urge a return to the days before Democratic-supported insanity.

There's only one way the election can go.
Just ignore EVERYONE on all sides giving you bad news.

These are people who simply can't think.

They misread everything.

Life is actually quite simple in most ways. Supporting Trump is common sense. There's no mystery to his support.
If you look at the arguments for why a voter shouldn't support Trump, they're either flat-out lies that a child wouldn't believe, or they're based on the bizarre mental gymnastics of fanatics and intellectuals divorced from reality.

Here's all you need to know:
Trump is reducing the power of the federal government, limiting the armed forces to defensive operations, rebuilding the country's industrial capabilities, improving educational levels and opportunities, eliminating poverty, and strengthening the rule of law and federalism.
Voting for all of that is common sense.

@jaketapper's hallucinations are not relevant to the debate.

@donlemon's personal issues are not relevant to the debate.

The Democrats demand a return to normalcy.

That means the Democrats want you to vote for Trump.
I agree with Joe Biden.

We need to go back to the days when mobs didn't roam the streets, making Stone Age threats.

That's why there's no choice.

We must vote for Trump.

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