Just saw a visible indie game dev griping about how AAA games shouldn't get praise for stuff indie games have done already

1) indie game devs have been some of the worst harassers in my life
2) AAA games are a fundamentally different thing from someone's Twine game
Like, I truly don't mean to dismiss the work that goes into something like a Twine game, but OBVIOUSLY underrepresented voices will be visible in those, because you don't need a budget of any kind

The point of praising AAA representation is some stuff needs a budget
Now there are indie games somewhere in between "Twine" and "AAA" obviously, and visual novels have been innovative in LGBT content in particular, but not every gaming preference can be sated by visual novels either.
This person posted that those of us praising AAA games are "telling on ourselves" that we don't think indie games are real games... I mean, no, I don't think a game with no graphics or very retro graphics is the same kind of game as a big budget game, or even a medium one
You want to hold up certain indie games as absolutely equalling big budget games in impact, I'm willing to listen on Oxenfree, Analogue, Night in the Woods, To the Moon, Always Sometimes Monsters, etc. But even in that range LGBT rep is rare (although those have it)
But come on people, this is exactly like trying to tell queer film fans to be happy with Dogme 95 level content
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