Inspired by this tweet I’ve decided to start my own reading project where I specifically set aside 45 minutes each day to reading academic papers, both in my field for my research and further afield in other areas that interest me (1/n)
I’m looking to explore both contemporary papers as well as seminal work from the past. My plan is to tweet about what I’m reading starting on Monday (2/n)
If anyone wants to join me in this quest, reading your own paper choices, please let me know—I’d be down to keep each other accountable (3/n)
If there’s a paper in your field that’s considered to be “required reading” that will help me understand your corner of the world a bit more, *please* share it with me! (fin)
You can follow @TKPullinger.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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