so check out how relatable  can be

(predictive model by @AdamDanielKing)
sorry not sorry for making the computer pick on mormons
I'm gonna say that this was trained on reddit comment threads b/c how else could it be this good

(again, sorry not sorry for making the computer pick on mormons)
I really love the line

"also like the windows of heaven would have been forever showing us the future"
Are young writers using these predictive text generators to break out of writers block????
I love the nonsense
what isn't true about this
wise words from 

"computers aren't special enough to demand special treatment; if something is human, it probably needs to come out in the open."
hold up, I gotta go shout in the server room "if something is human, it probably needs to come out in the open"

just to be safe
I'm worried that something is alive inside the computer and it wants out.
this is a sick burn of someone out there
I'm beginning to think there might be a HN inside The Grid
hey I've been having fun in this thread, but real talk for a moment.

This output, it's sexist AF, and wanna know why this computer program generated it?
because some of the text the model was trained on is sexist AF

so be careful what you feed into your predictive models
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