It is official. I am no longer able to keep being a chrisitan. I cannot in good faith continue to practice a belief that I now find to be utterly lacking. And part of the help out were due Twitter and YouTube apologists. Their inability to defend or even give reasoned answers
lead to my discard of the faith. I could name names, but then that would spot light some of the more lack luster lame apologists out there and I really do not want to give any of them a stepping stone or nod. Some will know who I am talking about and a few may even see themselve
s within this tweet. But, regardless, no matter how much I want it to be true, I cannot accept it upon the faulty foundations these people and their books have placed the religion upon. Some may not care, and some may be happy, but in essence there are those who thought to
defend their faith and in doing so robbed another of theirs is a very brutal way. I will have to learn to live without the safety net and with out promises of some reward AFTER I die. If you feel sorry then good you deserve to, you destroyed what you tried to defend.
You can follow @James12613.
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