One of the funniest experiences I've ever had on a trip was seeing a fantasy world where humans are, unequivocally, very noble creatures.

All it seemed to take was one or two small adjustments to our overall psychological profile.
Instead of being shitting-our-pants-over-tiny-status-transactions post-monkeys, we were somewhat more psychologically coherent with our apex predator status.

Prideful, noble, utterly uncompromising... and not mean or fearful, because what the fuck is there to be afraid of?
A great tiger will not kill you for sharing its territory (unless it's very hungry).

It will kill you for insulting it, maybe, but not for simply existing in proximity - if you're respectful.

A human being will kill you just for making it flinch, which is incredibly easy to do.
We still live on the genetic legacy of a prey animal surrounded by incredibly dangerous megafauna.

We are hilariously cowardly creatures as individuals, like dogs, for the most part. We become viciously aggressive and dangerous in groups, again like dogs.
Attempts to elevate people's group pride, e.g. with nationalism, make constant reference to apex predators.

Grey Wolves, etc.

That is NOT human beings. We are just former prey animals who accidentally entered an intelligence feedback loop.
If we were actually anything like wolves, lions or tigers, we would not be making such a catastrophic mess of our place on this planet.

I don't know why I feel so certain, but I really believe this.
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