saw a critic declare that if you want to learn to live correctly you should go to sunday school and leave art alone. listen you can hurt yourself by gasping that hard
if you learned to live right from sunday school and not from art I'm not sure I trust you and I don't know how you did it. but then I never went to any places like that, I don't know what goes on. congratulations are probably in order. well, I don't even know. you tell me.
people not knowing how to read very well, & not understanding what (how) to think about the content of art unless a character or narrator breaks frame and tells them, has nothing to do with whether you should look to art to learn right living. you can if you want. art can take it
anyway a discursive narrator who tells you what to think is the most charming thing in the world, nobody knows how to do it anymore and there's no point faking it because the manner & the mannerisms are nothing without the assurance behind them
people get bad ideas out of art every day. bad? the worst. but that's no reason to irresponsibly suggest to they go instead to, where, church? their PARENTS? no, no. morals are where you find them. or is that beauty? is there a difference? I will ask oscar wilde & get back to you
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