OK, the discord server is up and running. Remember this is for people who are having problems with authoritarian Critical Social Justice ideas being imposed on them at their place of work or (kids') school.
If this is you, you can email me - see email in profile - but I will need some evidence that you are genuine. DMing me from a Twitter account which has been addressing these issues for some time is sufficient.
I am trying to make this discord server a very streamlined problem-solving thing so, ideally, people facing some kind of disciplinary procedure or wanting help to challenge something at work or school will join & be connected with someone who can help them do that.
We already have a couple of volunteers - one in law and one in tech - who are not having problems themselves but can advise those who are. What I hope will happen is that as people who have a problem that needs solving contact me, I can seek out relevant advice for them.
The problem I was finding was that people were coming to me with problems with CSJ in a certain profession & I could help them with the CSJ but not in the context of their profession.
A discord server that connects a person with a problem of CSJ at work with both someone with knowledge of CSJ AND someone more senior in their profession all collaborating in the same space would seem to be the ideal solution.
Also, if I know where the problems are concentrated I can actually seek out people who can help. For example, I am currently hearing from a lot of social workers. So we now have a social work channel & I will look for a senior social worker who can offer advice and support.
I frequently get people emailing me to offer their professional services should I ever find I need them so I now intend to take advantage of that. I'm not quite sure what to do with the marine and the poet who volunteered themselves last week but you never know!
As I hope you have noticed, this is primarily for people who are not academics. Academics are welcome but there are other plans in action and afoot for addressing the problem of a lack of academic freedom. This is more for everybody else who is having this stuff foisted on them.
If it becomes a place people come to vent or share news stories, it will get hard to find the posts with the practical problems and deal with them efficiently.
So unless someone is facing some kind of disciplinary procedure or wants to challenge something at work or can give advice & guidance to people who can, I'd rather not include them right now but the option to have a more free-ranging forum is something that can be added.
You can follow @HPluckrose.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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