1)Reinterpreting our history is essential, but I'm saddened by what's missing from the debate: redemption. Dead people can't defend themselves, and we have no idea how they'd respond to the world of today. Maybe Wilson, whose actions were despicable, would have gone through... https://twitter.com/AP/status/1276947288993288195
2)...a transformation, as many avowed racists have done, and become as progressive on that topic as he was on others. We'll never know. What we do know is that America's racist past is still the present, and no white person alive is free of responsibility for acts of commission..
3)...or omission in the perpetuation of its evil. Which means we can and must seek the redemption the dead cannot. Removing Wilson's name from a building might make sense, just as removing an offensive Roosevelt statue makes sense, but in all of this we are moving inevitably...
4)...closer to equating past presidents who failed on race with Confederates who made war on our country. And when they are seen as equivalent, it won't just be statues that are removed.

They will be canceled. Washington, Jefferson, the whole lot. And in that moment we will...
5)...lose the Enlightenment principles on which our nation was founded, the very principles that led to the end of slavery and colonialism, that led in fact directly to Black Lives Matter. In other words, our framers set in motion forces they did not yet understand and could...
6)...not yet all embrace. So we judge them at our peril, for in so doing we forget what miracles they did accomplish, miracles that allowed them, in spite of their sins, to bequeath us the liberation we now treasure.

And deny them the redemption it should be we who are seeking.
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