AJ Mitchell, 19yo boy with autism died as a direct result of excessive police force on November 16, 2019. This hardly broke headlines. Now that more people are paying attention, help me achieve justice for AJ! #justiceforaj #BLM
AJ was ordering food at Bojangles off Industrial Blv (Fulton County, Ga) when his card was declined. As a young man with autism, he was more upset than an avg customer. Rather than dealing with him peacefully, Bojangles employs beat him until police came to the scene.
Upon their arrival, the police further mishandled the situation by restraining AJ. They had him face down in the parking lot, with a bag over his head as they knelt on his back.
AJs mom came to the scene to see him like this and was instructed to take him home (apparently Grady and police saw no need to take him to the hospital). He died only 15 minutes after getting home.
The autopsy declared the cause of death “undetermined.” The police failed to share the report, of footage of the incident (both from the restaurant and their body cams) with AJs family.
First responders need to be educated on dealing with individuals with disabilities (both mental and physical). Police need to be held responsible for mistreating, hurting and KILLING individuals.
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